are dynamic, creative,
supportive and inspiring teachers. They have been actively involved in the development of the biodynamic model of
Susan Javery RCST®, HHP, LMT
Susan Javery is an experienced practitioner who has been involved in craniosacral work for over 17 years. She is an approved teacher by the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
in Santa Monica, California. She has been teaching Face-Lift Massage since the early 1980's based on the work of Dr. Frances Wong. Along with her husband Julian, she opened the first and finest non-toxic holistic healing center in Santa Monica in the 1990's.
Myrna Martin MN, RCC, RCST® - Myrna has 40 years experience working with people therapeutically as a nurse, public health nurse, family therapist, Integrative Body/Mind Therapist and teacher (IBP), Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and approved Teacher. She has been in full time private practice and teaching Pre and Perinatal Workshops, Seminars and full Professional Trainings since 2000.
Association of North America. In addition to her private practice and teaching, Susan trains Stephen Ministers to support people in challenging life circumstances. She is a mother of four grown children and provides craniosacral services at the Veterans Home in Ivins, Utah. Her gentle presence encourages a sense of safety and her teaching style is interactive and clear.
craniosacral therapy since bringing Franklyn Sills to the
United States in the early 1990’s to teach his first American craniosacral training.
Mary Louise M.Ed., RCST®, RPP, is course director for LifeShapes Institute, approved Biodynamic Craniosacral teacher, developer of Resonant Healing and the co-developer of Natural Facial Rejuvenation- The Lange-Muller Method. She is an internationally recognized teacher and author who has been active in the healing arts for 35 years. For over 30 years she has been teaching and studying in the fields of craniosacral, polarity, kinesiology, somatic trauma healing and energy medicine. She is the author of three books.
Christopher Muller RCST®, RPP is an internationally recognized teacher of polarity and biodynamic craniosacral therapy. He is an approved teacher who has been teaching biodynamic craniosacral for 12 years and polarity for almost 30. In addition to his private practice and teaching, Christopher develops anatomical models of the skull and publishes books related to embryology and biodynamic craniosacral therapy.
Mary Louise Muller and Christopher Muller
Susan Lange O.M.D., L.Ac. is a licensed acupuncturist, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and cranio -sacral therapist in private practice